The fourth quarter of each year is open enrollment time, and INFB Health Plans are a great option if you’re interested in reviewing health care options for yourself or your dependents outside of a group plan.
A plan offered through INFB Health Plans can provide savings of 50% to 70% for families when compared to Affordable Care Act plans that aren’t subsidized by the federal government.
The program offers three kinds of plans to members, including individual or family plans for people under age 65, standalone or bundled dental/vision plans and Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans for those 65 and older.
For specific information about the plans:
For answers to the most frequently asked questions about the program, visit
Copyright © 2024 Indiana Farm Bureau®, Inc. is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation®, a national organization of farmers and ranchers including Farm Bureau® organizations in 49 other states and Puerto Rico, and is responsible for Farm Bureau membership and programs within the State of Indiana.