The American Farm Bureau Federation and John Deere have signed a memorandum of understanding that ensures farmers’ right to repair their own farm equipment.
Signed at the AFBF Convention in Puerto Rico, the MOU is the culmination of several years of discussions between AFBF and John Deere.
The agreement formalizes farmers’ access to diagnostic and repair codes, manuals and product guides. It also ensures farmers will be able to purchase diagnostic tools directly from John Deere and receive assistance from the manufacturer when ordering parts and products.
AFBF has already begun discussions with other manufacturers. Read the MOU on AFBF’s website.
Copyright © 2024 Indiana Farm Bureau®, Inc. is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation®, a national organization of farmers and ranchers including Farm Bureau® organizations in 49 other states and Puerto Rico, and is responsible for Farm Bureau membership and programs within the State of Indiana.